Saturday, March 16, 2013


Hello! Welcome to my blog, a place where I'll build a bank of information pertaining to organic gardening and a natural lifestyle.

I'm convinced that organic is the way to go. It worked for thousands of years previously, and I'm sure it could continue for thousands more. Organic food doesn't have to be expensive or difficult to obtain. If you grow you own, you are rewarded with not only fresh food, but also time to relax and enjoy with family, friends or by yourself.

Gardening has its rewards, but it takes some work and knowledge. I can't help with the work, except maybe with some helpful tips. My goal is to put the know how in a single, convenient location. With so many different climates and weather conditions across the US, it doesn't hurt to have some help choosing what may grow best in your area, as well as find tips on growing things that weren't really meant for your location.

I personally live in PA Zone 6. We have a relatively short growing season, but with a little help and planning, I can extend my season through starting seeds indoors, using hoop tunnels or a green house, companion planting, shaded areas, etc. This year, I plan on trying to grow outdoors, straight through the winter. Maybe I'll fail, but I've discovered that every year is a learning experience.

There is so much information related to gardening, I find it difficult to keep it all in my head. This blog will help remind me, and hopefully learn from others as well.

I want to thank you for taking the time to stop and read and share your thoughts. Let's learn together!